I’m a freelance senior Creative & Art Director based in Amsterdam with 10+ years of international brand experience.

Clients I worked for include: Adidas, ace&tate, Asics, Desperados, Eastpak, Google, GORE-TEX, Evian, IDFA, Johnnie Walker, Kipling, Maserati, Nike, smart Automotive, TagHeuer, TEDx, Tommy Hilfiger, Wrangler, Zoku Hotels.

Agencies I worked for/with: Anomaly, AnalogFolk, Wieden+Kennedy, Mutant, DEPT®, TBWA, 72 and Sunny, We Are Pi, Protein, Rōnin, Studio Lore, Soursop. 

My second half: Jake Kedge

AWARDS: D&AD Award / Grand Prix Drum Content Awards / Silver Lovies Award / Silver Ad Age SAA / FWA website of the day

FUN ︎
︎ Prints (coming soon)
︎ Journal

︎ Email
︎︎︎ Linkedin
︎ Instagram

I’m a freelance senior Creative & Art Director based in Amsterdam.

Clients I worked for include: Adidas, ace&tate, Desperados, Google, Evian, IDFA, Johnnie Walker, Kipling, Maserati, Nike, smart Automotive, TagHeuer, TEDx, Tommy Hilfiger, Wrangler, Zoku Hotels.

Agencies I worked for/with: Anomaly, AnalogFolk, Wieden+Kennedy, DEPT®, TBWA, 72 and Sunny, We Are Pi, Protein, Studio Lore, Virtue, Soursop.

AWARDS: D&AD Award / Grand Prix Drum Content Awards / Silver Lovies Award / Silver Ad Age SAA / FWA website of the day

FUN ︎
︎ Shop (coming soon)
︎ Journal

︎ Email
︎︎︎ Linkedin
︎ Instagram


How do you release Real Madrid’s new Gold kit at the same time as announcing that one of the biggest names in Football is joining the Biggest Football team in the world? Easy. You write their name in Gold.

Link to Adidas Football global IG Post, 1.5m views

Role ︎︎︎ Creative/Art Director
Copywriter ︎︎︎ Jake Kedge
Agency ︎︎︎ TBWA
Creative Director ︎︎︎ Julio Alvarez & Cesar Garcia
Production Company ︎︎︎ OneSize